Wednesday, 27 July 2016

Sum up

Quick post

I dont like my job
I dont like to deal with the customer, pretending to smile all day long.
I dont like to stand for hours and only have 30mins to sit and rest. You know what i mean? My legs hurt so bad.
I dont like one of the manager. Sorry to say but kamu paham kah mulut lancang? Dia lah tu.
I dont like her bcs everything is not going well to her. As if she is the only one who is doing the right thing wtf. Kurg kasih sayang.
Mulut lancang, itu ini salah tp dia semua lah betul. Betul apa lh tu balik2 ambi ayam makan d belakang.
Im not the only one who feels the same way, the other staff too. They dont like her too :p
So what do you think when you re having a bad day bcs of her but you have to keep smiling to the customers and HER. Aduh sakitnya tu di sini.
& some of the staffs treat me like i was a kid. Guys? im 20. Please.
& some of them also, act like a kid(kebudak2an). Guys? I dont really like to bemain while doing my stuff. Mmg lah jgn tlalu serius tp jgn la smpi mcm mcm kbudak2an. Please behave.
I dont know how long i can survive in this kind of situation. Everyday i woke up i always think why i apply for this job. I like this job but bcs of the manager and the staff (few), i feel nothing. I dont really into it. If i resign then my whole working day is nothing. I got pay nothing. So the only choice is stick to it for month? arghh.
I remember Reitz told me the reason why he resigned for the same job. Its bcs of the manager too. Kalau manager mcm tahik siapa mau kerja haaa handle lah kau satu kedai biar rasa.
Told my mom about this and she said just stay calm and strong. Aduh.
To you guys out there yg tahu what kind of job im in right now, please lah please dont apply for this job. Kecuali kalau kau hati kering lah. Tapi saya tidak. Saya perlu belaian kasih dan sayang yg mencukupi blerhhh.

Okay im out. Bye

Wednesday, 13 July 2016

Good & Bad News


Good news and bad news kata kauu. Mahu dengar berita baik atau berita buruk dulu? Berita baik lah kan. Berita baik dia aku dapat kerja!! Yeyyy!! Akhirnya ada juga yang berminat call aku mau ambi aku sbg kuli-kuli dorang. Aku happy gila tp macam tidak happy gila juga huhu. Aku happy lh kan dapat kerja, esok-esok dapat lah gaji walau tidak seberapa. Dapatlah juga rasa duit sendiri. Walau tidak seberapa. Dapatlah juga ambi pengalaman.

Berita buruk dia, tidak lah buruk sgt pun hehehe. Cuma lepas dpt kerja ni, aku kena buat banyak urusan lagi. Pegi klinik sb dia mau medical check up just jarum-jarum lah, beli kasut sb dia tdk mahu kasut sekolah/kanvas mau kasut getah2 safety. Belum apapa sudah start buang duit. Ah malas aku. Malas aku keluar rumah berurusan. Huhu. Lepastu aku start kerja pun sorang2. Pandai2 lah aku bawa diri esok berkenalan dengan staff lain, hmm malu, segan :'<

Kita tengok lah macamana nanti :(


Sunday, 10 July 2016

Raya (to be cont..)


Selamat hari raya! I'm going to share about raya soon, after I renew my internet plan. It's about my friends and I went beraya all day long started from 10am till 9pm. I wanted to share it now but I can't because I'm blogging via mobile and this apps doesn't support something very important which is to share pictures. I was able to share just one photo and one photo about raya is a no-no. So I just have to wait for my internet lah. And you who is reading this too lah.

Okey till then. Bye!

Friday, 8 July 2016

Saya cuti..


It's been awhile. Sekarang bulan July. Aku dgn kawan2 survived exam sem 2. Sekarang cuti. Hari ni masuk seminggu aku bercuti. Sekarang juga Hari Raya. Umur anak keknis pun masuk sebulan. Keknis sekarang beraya bertiga. Hari ni pula masuk Raya ke-3.

Woo woo! Dalam sebulan ja banyak benda terjadi banyak benda dilalui. Sedar x sedar macam baru ja aku sibuk dengan assignment dan assesement. Sedar x sedar macam baru2 ja jawab final exam. Lepas tu cuti. Ingat lagi last paper aki 30hb bulan Jun. Orang lain sibuk tarik luggage. Aku sibuk fikir mau makan apa malam ne. Sebab gap seminggu. Seminggu tu juga aku tinggal dalam ums. Kalau balik rumah nanti mau fikir macam mana mau balik ums. Belajar lagi konfem tidak. Sedar x sedar, last paper pun berlalu pergi.

Masa cuti pun tiba. Cuti dua bulan wo lama gila. Plan mau cari kerja 2 bulan ni. Sebab utama, mau beli laptop. Lepastu selebihnya utk duit belanja masuk Tahun 2 nanti. Sudah apply tempat kerja, tapi sampai sekarang belum ada yg call :( mau aku turun KK mungkin aku ni memandangkan hometown sendiri nda byk kedai apalagi vacancy. Uhuk. But im going to wait till this weekend. Kalau teda, baru apply lagi. Wish me luck!

Mau sambung tinu Istanbul Aku Datang. Raya2 ni banyak movie melayu. Babai!!